The calculated extent of studies in dance according to the general syllabus is 18.5 study points. The studies in the general syllabus consist of common studies (11.1 study points) and thematic studies (7.4 study points). The purpose of the common studies is to develop the basic dance skills. In the education, each student’s individual strengths, openness to learning, starting point and cultural background are taken into consideration, so that each one has the same possibility to feel included in relation to the content and offer of the classes, regardless of, for example, gender or ethnicity.

The purpose of the thematic studies is to expand the knowledge and skills acquired during the common studies. In the education, each student’s strengths and interests, the institute’s resources, current phenomena and the region’s demographic and cultural progress are taken into consideration. We offer our students alternative modules for the thematic studies. If possible, the common studies should be completed in order.

The student’s studies can exceed the calculated amount. The studies are primarily designed to be completed in order. The students are expected to attend classes consistently, and to commit to complete the chosen courses and studies.

The student may choose whichever of the dance styles offered and progress within that specific style, or choose to study several styles according to our curriculum. This means that the study modules can be composed of either progressing within one genre or within a combination of various dance styles. The study modules can also be executed in the form of workshops or camps organised by the institute.

The study modules can be chosen according to the selection of suitable dance classes offered during the season. If the needed skills have been acquired in some other way, the modules can be completed without undertaking studies on the previous level. In general, the basic education can be completed in 6 years by attending one weekly class for the first five years, and 2x60min/week during the last year of studies.

The calculatory extent of the basic education in the art of dance is altogether a minimum of 18.5 study points (one class is the equivalent of 45min).