I have never danced before, how do I know which classes I should take?

Each dance teacher has their own style and way of teaching. For beginners we recommend classes marked with “beginners” or “open level”. Don’t be afraid to try out different groups and dance styles, that is how you will find the ones that suit you the best! Our teachers are also happy to help, so go have a chat with them after the class.

I have been absent from the class I’m registered for, and I would like to compensate for that by taking another class. Should I book my place beforehand?

When compensating for a missed class, you do not need to book your place beforehand. You may choose whichever class you’d like, provided that the group is not full. You should speak with the teacher about whether there is space in the class for you, and let them know the date of the class you are compensating for. Classes can be compensated during the current term; for example, autumn term’s absences can only be compensated during the autumn term.

I want to switch groups, should I re-register through Polkka?

That will not be necessary. You can inform of the change of groups simply by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be able to make the switch for you.

My child is an eager dancer at home, and we would like to try out a dance class. However, since we do not know whether they will want to take up the hobby, we would not want to pay for the whole term fee. How should we proceed?

We recommend first trying out the class before booking a place in the group. Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee a place for your child if the group is full, or someone else has registered before you through the online booking system. A confirmation for a place in the group or on the waiting list, or a notification that the group is full booked will be delivered immediately after the registration to the email address provided.

I used to dance before for a couple of years, and would like to take up dancing again. How do I know which group is suitable for me?

We recommend picking out the classes you are interested in and trying them out, or alternatively, contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It is likely they have already started learning the choreography, so do not get discouraged even if the class seems a little difficult at first. Remember to check that the class you wish to attend is not fully booked by either speaking with the teacher or contacting our office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How do I join a Special Education group?

SE-groups are discretionary. The groups train together actively, and commit to a long-term and intense training. New SE-groups are formed and the old ones recruit new members when needed. Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates.

Both me and my child take classes at Hurja Piruetti, and unfortunately, I am not able to pay the term fees in one go. Is it possible to split the amount into instalments?

It is possible to split the term fee into 2-4 instalments. Contact our office as soon as possible at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your payment plan, preferably before the term starts. The instalments from previous bills should be paid as agreed before the start of a new term. If the payment plan is not followed as agreed, the student will not be allowed to participate in the classes. Payment reminders and debt collection are operated by Lindorff Oy.

I would like to use the choreographies from the classes in my school performance. Is that allowed?

The teacher holds the copyright to their own work, and you should always ask the choreographer (the teacher) for permission to use a choreography or an extract of it. If permission is granted, the name of the choreographer should be mentioned in the event (for example, in the programme note). The same copyright applies to pictures and videos taken during the classes. You should ask the choreographer for permission to publish extracts of their work, and if permission is granted, always remember to mention their name.